Work with Emma
Available Services
Here are some example service packages that I can work with you on.
Fractional roles e.g. Chief-of-Staff
Who is it for: This service is for growing companies that need more hands-on support and involvement with implementing your strategy and ideas but you are not ready for a full time position yet. You have a small team already, sales are starting to grow and you have a goal to get the business to the next stage of growth through a fundraise, taking on new clients and growing your customer base.
How does it work: I will help you take your big and complex ideas and turn them into a roadmap that has been thought through from all angles and into actionable steps. We can work together to plan a set of goals to achieve and how I can best support you in achieving them and put the flywheel into motion.
What is involved: I will embed within your team and work 1-3 days per week to support you to achieve your growth goals.
Who is it for: This package is ideal for solo founders and leaders of small teams and companies. You have capacity to start implementing the changes you want to see in your company by yourself but need someone to ask the right questions, help see your path forward and evaluate the impact of all your ideas.
How does it work: I'll help you over a course of 10 week to set your goals, evaluate and prioritise your ideas and get them working together to get the flywheel growth of your business starting to fly.
What is involved: Either a weekly or bi-weekly session depending on your capacity. I'll share email follow ups with the action plans, check in between sessions and monitor your progress.
Consultancy Projects and Speaking Appearances
I can work with you on a range of consultancy, advisory and special projects that suit your needs and my skills. If you know you need to figure out a complex situation or bring in another perspective to your team and you have seen something in my skillset that could be a good match then I would love to hear about it.
I am available for speaking and guest lecturing appearances on a range on subjects including sustainability, neuro-inclusion and starting a business. I can develop a workshop or presentation to suit your needs or adapt content that I already have.